Remove Vaginal Odour with Natural Herbs by Natural Principles to Make it Look Healthy as You Want.


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Remove Vaginal Odour with Natural Herbs by Natural Principles to Make it Look Healthy as You Want.

 This article is not made for the promotion of a person or any sexual activities or advertisement for a business or products but rather teaches you a way to cure and keep your private part clean and hygienic to avoid any bad odour scent.

As a lady or woman, you must know the type of odour coming out from your private part to check how healthy you are. Taking the odour ignorantly may end up giving you what you never asked for.

And to my best research, there are five (5) different odours that any lady or woman may have experienced in her life. We have Odours like Fishy Odor, Rotten Odor, Metallic Odor, Musky Odor and Yeasty Odor.

Fishy Odor

A lady or woman is said to have a fishy odour when the private part smells exactly like a fresh fish and it is also accompanied by white or grey discharges.

This problem is caused by a bacteria imbalance. Mostly the bacteria that causes this is called vaginosis.

Rotten Odor

This is a very serious problem which may lead to a lost tampon. This problem can create lots of problems for you to the extent that, your private part will start to rot. In a normal case, it is also caused by bacteria but smarter than the fishy bacteria.

Metallic Odor

This is when your private part smells like rusted metal and this normally happens after your monthly period or after the private part's pH is disrupted via ejaculation. Normally, it takes three to seven (3-7) days for this odour to go naturally, but if it persists, you need to check your health, especially your private part pH.

Musky Odor

When your private part gives a musky smell, it means you are wearing tight panties and therefore, you aren't given the organ any chance to take in air. And the more this happens, the more it allows bacteria to come closer to you via your private part.

Yeasty Odor

This means you are having yeast infections so once it gives a Yeasty Odor, better check your health.

In all these, all you need to do is to wash your private part very well and that does not call for soup. Most times, your boyfriend or husband stays away because of the bad smell that comes out from your private part.

To cure all these problems, boil Been Leaves and Clove together for fifteen minutes (15mns). Add a little salt to it when it cools and use the water to wash your private part twice a day, especially during your periods.


Just boil Clove only and add your sea salt to it when it cools then sit inside for about fifteen to twenty minutes (15-20mns) especially during your periods and twice a week if you are not in your periods. This will help keep there clean, healthy, hygienic and also smells good. You need to be healthy from inside to glow outside.

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